Scientific and Technical Communication Samples
A RFC-like design description about 5G network integration API for the widely-used open-source ROS robotics software framework. The design description was accompanied by working source code that eventually got merged into mainline ROS after detailed discussions with the ROS Middleware Working Group.
A paper published in PPOPP 2016, a top-tier computing conference. The paper introduced a new technique called Grain Graphs that visualizes performance problems of OpenMP programs in high detail.
The wiki of the prototype implementation of Grain Graphs.
The Introduction chapter of my PhD dissertation. The chapter is written to provide a concise yet thorough understanding of contributions in addition to a good introduction to the subject area and problems tackled.
The user guide of the MIR runtime system library. MIR features the rare combination of high performance execution and detailed profiling for task-based OpenMP programs. The MIR developers repository is available on GitHub.
A presentation about on-going work I gave recently at a workshop for Scandinavian computer architects. I have mainly used figures supplemented by speech to convey core ideas about the work.
A poster I made for a popular science poster competition hosted by KTH School of ICT. The poster introduced my PhD work to laymen and was accompanied by a design description.
A rebuttal to a computing conference article review. A rebuttal is a carefully composed, short argument that dispels reviewer misunderstanding, addresses reviewer concerns, and motivates why the article should be accepted for publication.
A technical writing assignment for Spotify regarding their new Web API console.
A reply to a question on Quora. I have written over 100 answers on Quora regarding Parallel Computing, Computer Architecture, and life as a researcher.